studio catherine griffiths









TŪMANAKO : HOPE / T : H initials




T : H pattern




T : H Pattern



TŪMANAKO : HOPE submission / Armistice Day campaign graphic identity (excerpts)


A note on the project


Early 2017, director and producer Sarah Hunter / TRANSMIT was invited to make a submission for the 2018 WW100 commemorations. Two years before, TRANSMIT created and directed the moving WW1 Remembered light and sound show, a requiem for war projected on the Carillon bell tower and the Dominion Museum building for the opening of Pukeahu National War Memorial Park.

My role on the team for the new project was as graphic designer, and to work with artist Ngatai Taepa for the light show and installation components of our submission.

Our proposal TŪMANAKO : HOPE “bringing the microphone to the people” AOTEAROA NEW ZEALAND featured a purpose-built Mobile Recording Unit (after Gertie, the National Broadcasting truck) to tour towns and cities gathering stories; a series of Peace Celebration illuminations; and a Peace Finale concert. We proposed a six-month commemoration, taking the nation on our journey from 11.11.18 to a finale concert and light show the following July, 2019 — Matariki — to mark the celebrations when New Zealanders welcomed home the return of their men in 1919, following the outbreak of influenza.

After making our submission in July 2017, the RFP process was placed on hold due to the upcoming elections. Early 2018 we were asked to submit a scaled-down version of our proposal and to focus on Armistice Day itself. A one-day event, TŪMANAKO : HOPE would now comprise the AHU Light and Sound Show, Bright Days Concert, and Whare Kōrero — three site-specific recording booths, to be designed in collaboration with Athfield Architects.

However, our March submission was unsuccessful, yet we had developed a strong visual identity and graphic language to express our original concept, and it was this that caught the eye of the WW100 office.

We were then encouraged to take part in a further tender for the graphic design componentry of the Armistice Day brand, with guidelines for implementation nationwide. We re-presented our visual identity concept as embodied in the wording of our original 2017 submission, TŪMANAKO : HOPE. Disappointingly, our proposal was not selected.


CG / 2018





05 a corporate world


exhibition: A bespoke display system for New Zealand Institute of Architects

exhibition: Point of Distance
Venice Architecture Biennale 2014 submission

exhibition: Diverse Practice
School of Architecture, VUW

exhibition: ParlourLIVE!
Venice Architecture Biennale 2016 submission

film: Making Waves with 20...

id: Athfield Architects
id: KAREN Network
id: KTA
id: Logan Studio
id: The Oxygen Group
id: Parlour
id: Sharon Jansen Architect
id: Stevens Lawson Architects

online: Interstices Journal

print: A+W•NZ
print: BRAIN magazine, JP
print: Desktop magazine, AU
print: Adam Art Gallery
print: Kristy Gorman
print: Creative New Zealand
print: TypeSHED11

poster: A+W•NZ
poster: A Cadavre Exquis, TS11
poster: Fête du Graphisme 2015
poster: Blue Oyster Art Space
poster: Like This, Like Us
poster: Man-Made
poster: Salted:Singlet
poster: Things That Move Me
poster: Wonder-Land
poster: Window

wayfinding: Athfield Architect
wayfinding: Distance Markers
wayfinding: Fran Wilde Walk


submission in collaboration with TRANSMIT: WW100, Ministry of Culture and Heritage, 2017/2018

Part of a wider submission for a project with direcotr and producer Sarah Hunter / TRANSMIT that, after several tendering stages over 15 months, we finally missed out on.

TŪMANAKO : HOPE, our proposal for the Armistice Day centenary commemorations 11.11.2018, Aotearoa New Zealand, is embodied in a typographic response.

These designs show the graphic language developed as part of our original concept TŪMANAKO : HOPE “bringing the microphone to the people” AOTEAROA NEW ZEALAND. Excerpts from the latest RFP for the Armistice Day campaign graphic identity are also shown.

The typographic composition uses MuirMcNeil’s typeface Cut, with TwoPoint for the colon. The repetition of forms and shifts in weight present striking patterns of tone and movement — a weaving together of Māori, Pākeha, Pasifika, and all who make up contemporary Aotearoa New Zealand.


For more on the project, scroll to beneath the images.

Related links


2000s selected

Athfield Architects
REANNZ Research & Education Advanced Network New Zealand
The Oxygen Group

1990s selected/archived

Creative New Zealand
Victoria University
Wools of New Zealand


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