A studio project by Catherine Griffiths,
typ gr ph c is a series of occasional
workshops for artists, designers and
typographers looking to experiment outside
usual spaces, in thought and practice.
Held at the studios of Catherine Griffiths,
and photographer Bruce Connew, the location
is Karekare, New Zealand — a coastal rain-
forest 45 minutes drive west of Auckland.

Two studios, four tables, eight participants,
books, a film screening, unpredictable
weather, bread, water and wine ... set the
tone for an intensive day, or two days, that
will extend, challenge and reward.
Purposefully small — in part shaped by the two
spaces and the environs — the intention of
typ gr ph c is to offer a closer participation
where conversation, critical reflection and
debate is stimulated by the exchange of
knowledge and perspectives.
typ gr ph c calls for a mix of practitioners,
academics and students (New Zealand/
international) who are authentic in their
thinking, open-minded and motivated.
The eight (8) places for each workshop will
be filled by invitation, recommendation,
or submission of a portfolio.

The first in the 2014 series was a one-day
workshop with Catherine Griffiths and on-line
guest Leonardo Sonnoli (IT) with Masayoshi
Kodaira (JP) for the critique; the second,
a duet with visitor Paul Barnes (UK); and the
third with Warren Olds (NZ), held in June.
2015 started with the fourth in the series,
a two-day duet with Tino Graß (GERMANY),
followed by OFF typ gr ph c »talk in talk«
tour to Wellington, Dunedin and Christchurch.
The fifth in the series was mid-Winter with
on-line duo David Bennewith & Sandra Kassenaar
(NZ/NL) in conjunction with Figures of Speech,
a project with Matthew Galloway.
typ gr ph c returned in May 2018 for the
sixth in the series with Hamish Muir (UK).

Format Limited
with Catherine Griffiths & Hamish Muir (UK)
Friday 18th May, 2018
A one-day *extended* workshop with London-
based designer Hamish Muir (founding principal
8vo, editor Octavo, co-founder MuirMcNeil)
who will join Catherine Griffiths online,
to explore the graphic form of typographic
language within specific parameters.
Format Limited will focus attention on
research (books, books), observation
(the art of looking), and thinking through
making (by hand, by machine) to produce print
based outcomes, whose form will be catalysed
by working with — and against — a set of
algorithmic constraints. The day will follow
with a post-workshop critique.
further details: to be
announced at the workshop
prepare for: unpredictable
weather patterns, powercuts
and remote connectivity
bring: camera, laptop,
notebook (graph paper
and other materials will
be supplied)
AH / Alfred Hoi / graduate, Massey University
BF / Bryn Fenemor / designer, Inhouse
CP / Caroline Powley / senior lecturer, AUT
CR / Caitlin Rassie / designer, Richards Partners
DM / Duncan Munro / director, Lucky Stairs
EK / Emma Kaniuk / director, Studio Akin
LS / Leah Surynt / designer, Designworks
MA / Megan Au / designer, Inhouse
Jinki Cambronero
18.05.2018 WORKSHOP
VIEW photographs from the workshop >>

follow @typ_gr_ph_c on Twitter
“YOU WILL NEED BOTH HANDS TO WALK” / Matthew Galloway, 2015 / photographs: Jinki Cambronero
typ gr ph c workshop archive:
with Catherine Griffiths & David Bennewith
and Sandra Kassenaar (NZ/NL)
Friday 31st July, 2015
This one-day workshop will offer the
opportunity to use your voice, to explore
and experiment within the disciplines of
typography, graphic design and art practice.
Participants will use letterform — not
necessarily the written word as the
primary tool with which to improvise and
construct meaning, whether social, political
or cultural.
Speech Practice will be joined by guests,
online via Skype: Amsterdam-based designers,
Sandra Kassenaar (NL) & David Bennewith (NZ);
and Matthew Galloway (NZ) designer and
lecturer, who will discuss Figures of Speech,
a recent project co-curated with CG.
There will be a physical
outcome, in connected to
Figures of Speech, the
details to be announced
at the workshop.
prepare for: unpredictable
weather patterns, powercuts
and remote connectivity
bring: recording device
camera, laptop, notebook,
drawing instruments
of choice (graph paper,
and other materials will
be supplied)
BF / Bryn Fenemor / designer, Richards Partners
DS / Dave Strydom / designer, Timely
eR / ellyse Randrup / student, Massey University
JJ / Josephine Jelicich / student, Massey University
LP / Leigh Paterson / lecturer, Otago Polytechnic
RS / Rebecca Steedman / lecturer, Whitecliffe
TAK / Tosh Ah Kit / gallery assistant, St Paul St, AUT
Jinki Cambronero
paper: donated by
BJ Ball Papers
31.07.2015 WORKSHOP
VIEW photographs from the workshop >>

»work out work«
with Catherine Griffiths & Tino Graß (GERMANY)
Friday 13th — Saturday 14th February, 2015
An intensive two days with Catherine Griffiths
and Tino Graß (graphic designer and teacher
in visual communication and typography at
Düsseldorf) will examine the shape of
abstraction and spatial dimension in typo/
graphic/design terms by using the surroundings
— be it physical in nature or a sub/conscious-
ness of the social, political and cultural
landscape — as points of reference. Consider
elements that are present, often seen as
trivial and therefore easily overlooked in
the making of work. The projection of
individual thought, reading between the lines,
and seeing a shift in scale towards some
kind of collective outcome are essential to
the dynamic.
The workshop will be held in the two studios —
Bruce Connew generously gives over his,
and becomes host, it will include lectures,
an evening film screening, forest/beach
scramble/walk, and plenty of very good coffee,
lunch, wine, beer (and German sausage) that
will only ascend conversation.
For more on Tino, view www.tinograss.de ...
editorial and exhibition design includes
»Typorama«, graphic work of Philippe Apeloig,
2013, and »Schriftgestalten, über Schrift und
Gestaltung« published by Niggli, 2008.
Other work includes a project with students
designing a temporary way-finding system for
the upcoming Sigmar Polke exhibition at the
Ludvig Museum, Cologne.
There will be a physical
outcome, the details
of which will be announced
at the workshop
bring: notebook, drawing
instruments, any other
tools of choice (camera,
iPhone, scissors, scalpel,
French curves); graph paper
other materials will
AK / Ashley Keen / graduate designer, Whitecliffe
DJ / Douglas Johns / designer, Coffee Supreme
JT / Jason Treweek / designer, Govett-Brewster
MG / Matthew Galloway / designer, lecturer, Otago
SC / Sarah Callesen / graphic designer, artist
SL / Sonya Lacey / designer, artist, HoD Whitecliffe
SM / Sanjiv Menon / senior designer, Richards Partners
TLB / Thomas Le Bas / designer, SV Associates, Berlin
TM / Tana Mitchell / designer, Tana Mitchell Design
Jinki Cambronero
paper: donated by
BJ Ball Papers
13/14.02.2015* WORKSHOP
VIEW photographs from the workshop >>

standing L-R: Jinki Cambronero, Bruce Connew, Doug Johns, Sonya Lacey, Ashley Keen, Jason Treweek, Matt Galloway, Catherine Griffiths, Tino Grass / front row: Sarah Callesen, Tana Mitchell, Thomas Le Bas, Sanjiv Menon / photograph: Jinki Cambronero
OFF typ gr ph c ........
»talk in talk«
Catherine Griffiths & Tino Graß (GERMANY)
OFF typ gr ph c ........ is a lecture tour,
an extension to the workshop series.
Three lectures, »talk in talk« — free and
open to the public — are set for Wellington,
Dunedin and Christchurch, plus a student
project led by Matthew Galloway with
Tino Graß, at Otago Polytechnic School
of Design.
In Wellington and Christchurch, Catherine
and Tino will discuss “type and diversity,
a journey into other spaces”, in and out of
their practices — design, typography,
publishing and art-based projects — and
in connection to the other.
The Wellington lecture is a nod to seven
years since TypeSHED11.
16.02.2015 WELLINGTON / public lecture / 6pm / City Gallery Wellington
18/19.02.2015 DUNEDIN / public lecture / 10am / Dunedin Public Art Gallery
26.02.2015 CHRISTCHURCH / public lecture / 6pm / The Physics Room
with the support of
Goethe Institut
City Gallery Wellington
Otago Polytechnic School of Design
Dunedin Public Art Gallery
University of Canterbury School of Fine Arts
The Physics Room
/ poster: Tino Graß / poster of poster: Catherine Griffiths
with Catherine Griffiths & Warren Olds (NZ)
Friday 13th June, 2014
This one-day workshop with Catherine Griffiths
and Warren Olds (graphic designer, publisher,
occasional artist) will investigate horror,
complexity, isolation and punctuation.
From multiple starting points participants
will collage contexts to construct a
non-letter alphabet from printed matter
(text and image). Bring tools for cutting:
scissors, knives, axes, chainsaws ...
There will be a physical
outcome, the details
of which will be defined
closer to, and during
the workshop
bring: laptop, notebook,
tools for cutting (scissors,
knives), graph paper
other materials will be
CG / Chloe Geoghegan / director, Blue Oyster Art Project Space
EE / Emma Eagle / designer, Mr Bigglesworthy
JG / Jess Gommers / designer, Designworks
JJ / Julie Jeon / designer, TradeMe
MP / Michael Pester / designer, Dowse Art Museum
KL / Kristin Leitch / designer, Cognitive Education Centre
SK / Sean Kerr / artist, senior lecturer, Elam, University of Auckland
assistant & photographer:
Amy Yalland
paper: donated by
BJ Ball Papers
13.06.2014 WORKSHOP
VIEW photographs from the workshop >>

with Catherine Griffiths & Paul Barnes (UK)
Friday 18th April, 2014
A one-day workshop with Catherine Griffiths
and graphic designer and typographer Paul
Barnes (founding partner Commercial Type) —
will introduce participants to the art of the
stencil letter, from drawing by hand and
making stencils, through to composition and
application. The chance to experiment with
design, form, materiality and meaning
will occur during testing and interpretation
— the shifting of boundaries — or simply
by staying true to form.
There will be a physical
outcome, the details
of which will be defined
closer to, and during
the workshop
bring: notebook, drawing
and cutting instruments
of choice (graph paper,
and other materials will
be supplied)
AD / Alan Deare / Area Design
JC / Jinki Cambronero / Alt Group
KJ / Kalee Jackson / Studio Kalee Jackson
LY / Lindsay Yee / Fuman
MB / Matthew Buchanan / CactusLab
SM / Sarah Maxey / Pataka Art Museum / Calligram
SS / Shabnam Shiwan / Saatchi & Saatchi Design
TM / Tana Mitchell / Tana Mitchell Design
assistant & photographer:
Amy Yalland
paper: donated by
BJ Ball Papers
14.04.2014 WORKSHOP
VIEW photographs from the workshop >>

with Catherine Griffiths
& Leonardo Sonnoli (ITALY)
Friday 7th February, 2014
This one-day workshop will offer the
opportunity to use your voice: to explore
and experiment within the disciplines of
typography, graphic design and art practice.
Participants will use letterform — not
necessarily the written word as the
primary tool with which to improvise and
construct meaning, whether social, political
or cultural. While attention will be paid
to detail, composition and aesthetic form,
accidents will happen, serendipity will
play out, and risks taken.
A post-workshop critique
will follow with
Leonardo Sonnoli (Italy) and Masayoshi
Kodaira (Japan).
There will be a physical
outcome, the details
of which will be defined
closer to, and during
the workshop
bring: laptop, notebook,
drawing instruments
of choice (graph paper,
and other materials will
be supplied)
AM / Alice Murray / designer, Studio Alexander
CP / Caroline Powley / HoD, Whitecliffe
DM / Duncan Munro / designer, Lucky Stairs
EdCR / Eve de Castro-Robinson / composer, Auckland University
JR / Jo Ross / designer, Saatchi & Saatchi
KMcP / Kane McPherson / designer, Saatchi & Saatchi
LTC / Layla Tweedie-Cullen / designer, project space curator, S/F
SG / Sarah Gladwell / designer, Inhouse Design
assistant & photographer:
Amy Yalland
paper: donated by
BJ Ball Papers
printing: Amy Yalland
Index Press
07.02.2014 WORKSHOP
VIEW photographs from the workshop >>

typ gr ph c featured in Strips Club, issue one
excerpt: “Up until late last year, typ gr ph c ........ was a fiction, a figment, an illusion. Later, it would push on as the notion began to sniff existence, but it was still a sort of fiction. It became material only at the moment it went public. Within ten days, eight people had registered for #1. Each workshop in the series is a fiction that steadily morphs until it completes. Then the next one begins, another fiction to materialise. These workshops are not unlike the cacophony of cicadas outside my studio window. After years underground, they emerge, mate and die within two to four weeks. Except typ gr ph c ........ doesn’t die, it’s recorded both as memory and ink on paper — the participants remain a part of its ongoing reality. typ gr ph c ........ is intended as occasional and experimental, in the forest at our two studios — a weird mix of public and private, of space and spaces, metaphysical and physical.
... By the time this article is published, the participants from #1 will have reconvened on April 1st at The Golden Dawn in Auckland. We will share the printed posters, discuss over a beer or two, the critique from Leonardo and Masayoshi, and they will wander away knowing the work they made in that single day is not end game, but an improvisation, a pivotal first in what will be an ongoing collation of outcomes for typ gr ph c ........ — for the record — and, most importantly, they extended themselves, however fictional or otherwise.”
Read feature >>
Buy Strips Club >>

Strips Club reviewed, with a mention*: “... M/K Press and Index based in Auckland are spotlighted, as is Catherine Griffiths’ experimental workshops and associated studio environment. Griffiths’ typ gr ph c ........ workshops seem intent on dilating the boundaries of graphic design by challenging the exploits and ideas of individual mark makers in a bespoke studio experience. Self-initiated projects coupled with the realities of graphic design as a commerical and personal practice left room for this publication [Strips Club] to discuss and consider what happens in the “real world” (whatever that is) when graphic design is let loose. This publication is a lively examination of the complex layers that make up graphic design — presented at once as both a noun and a verb.” — Point #59, arts, culture, music, events zine out of Dunedin / *thank you for pointing out, Chloe Geoghegan
Chloe Geoghegan shares her experience as a participant at FRIDAY the 13TH, the third workshop in the series with Nothing in Mind (in exchange for A Playlist : CG >> CG).

typ gr ph c ........ 2014 ........ #1 / photograph: Amy Yalland
see the workshops:
with Catherine Griffiths
& Leonardo Sonnoli (ITALY)
with Catherine Griffiths
& Paul Barnes (UK)
with Catherine Griffiths
& Warren Olds (NZ)
»work out work«
with Catherine Griffiths
& Tino Graß (GERMANY)
with Catherine Griffiths
& David Bennewith / Sandra
Format Limited
with Catherine Griffiths
& Hamish Muir (UK)
Application is by invitation,
recommendation, or submission
of a portfolio. You may also
register your interest.
To make a recommendation please
email with details, workshop
number and title
in the
subject line.
To apply by submission of a
please email your
details, and website/portfolio,
with the workshop number/title
in the subject line.
To register your interest in
the typ gr ph c workshop series
join the list: include name,
discipline, and country.
Within the week after the
application deadline, you will
receive a confirmation email
of acceptance.
To complete registration as a
participant, you are required to
pay the registration fee by the
due date.
Eight (8) places only are
available for each workshop.
Catherine Griffiths
Studio Catherine Griffiths
Karekare, Auckland
New Zealand
Join the typ gr ph c list
include name, discipline,
and country
Follow on Twitter
Studio Catherine
Griffiths and
typ gr ph c
acknowledge the
encouragement of
Shabnam Shiwan to
begin the series,
seven years on
from TypeSHED11.
A note on the
visual language
of typ gr ph c:
The right-angled
trapezoid and
two circles are
informed by the
floor plan of the
two studios, and
the plywood
remnants from
building. The
circles together
form the figure
8; the holes
match the number
of consonsants;
which in turn,
sets the number
of participants,
four in each
studio space.
typ gr ph c
has to date,
employed Dala
Floda Fat Italic,
by Paul Barnes,
Commercial Type;
Founders Gotesk
Mono Light and
Bold, by Kris
Sowersby, Klim
Type Foundry;
Panopticon A and
C 010 Perimeter,
and TwoPoint by
MuirMcNeil; and
now Unica, via
Hamish Muir.
typ gr ph c lly
/ CG
