Quite a Blast
Catherine Griffiths reports back from
BLAST, a Wellington-based symposium with the lofty aim of dissolving
design disciplines.
was a one-day graphic design event nestled into the annual BLOW
festival “to explore collaboration and the dissolving of design
disciplines” by appealing to designers and commentators looking
for “fresh perspectives on cross-disciplinary collaboration”. The
event was organised by Massey University’s subject director of
graphic design Nick Kapica, with lecturer Gerbrand van Melle and
a set of smart students.
Spearheaded by UK guest, John L Walters,
editor and co-owner of Eye magazine, with visiting professor Andrea
Rauschenburg and five local “unusual suspects”, BLAST kicked off
with a sampling of each speaker’s work and processes – 20 slides
in 20 seconds – followed by a discussion led by Walters.
On the
day, Walters weighed in with “Sound, Code, Image, Reason and Rhyme”
the title from two articles he wrote for Eye. On a content-rich
journey through 20 years of the magazine, and with music and design
metaphors and quotes abounding, Walters challenged designers to
find a role in music design beyond the album cover, which can express
and interpret the textural, emotional and intellectual experience
of music.
“Designers with a passion for music will continue
to find ways to put image and sound together because, to borrow
John Cage’s metaphor: ‘We need fresh bread’.” He went on to discuss
Eye’s legacy, its covers and designers, its writers, its future
with new technology.
Tone set, Alt Group’s Clem Devine spoke of
daily lunches and “constant conversation” as the fodder for multiple
design interests where “design is not a solo journey”, an iteration
made throughout the day. Sparrow J F Phillips and Ross Liew of
Cut Collective “collaborate as a way to make better shit”, and
as with Alt Group, “try to leave the ego at the door”.
Pep Zuijderwijk
of Salted Herring had us pay attention with his stark image of
Van Gogh’s self-portrait and the words “Artist? No” versus the
young woman whispering into the ear of her companion “Designer,
Yes”, followed by a more pragmatic stance where specialist skills
together make a stronger whole; Andrea Rauschenburg, who facilitated
a long-term German-Egyptian collaboration between designers and
artists, views design as a life force giving plenty to contemplate
(“Can you hear the sound of the colour white?”). National Park’s
Steffen Kreft, an obsessive paper cutter with a ferocious imagination,
shared his intricate and beautiful animations which somehow never
seem to lose their integ-rity, even in the commercial world of
TV advertising.
The extremists of collaboration, nocturnal
group Oh.No.Sumo (named after a James Bond movie where Bond exclaims
“Oh no” in front of a sumo wrestler): Patrick Loo, Sarosh Mulla,
Katherine O'Shaughnessy and James Pearce, each who have a day job,
go far to involve the willing into their process... their recent
folding of 20,000 squares of paper left us pondering the classifieds:
“Oh.No.Sumo chal-lenge WeLoveInc to steamy adult battle. Obstructions
to Love. 1. Pathologial science. 2. How do you measure smiles?”
The aftermatch panel discussion centred on
the blur-ring of disciplines and issues of authorship. How many
authors can you have?; how do you negotiate the landscape of collaboration
and egos? The emotive question, “Can graphic design move you?”
was also discussed, as was the ever-wavering line between art and
design, to which Devine concluded, “there is no differ-entiation,
just a state of mind”.
Day adjourned, for a feed of bier and bratwurst
at the old petrol station site in Aro Street where Kapica’s exhibition
of typographic posters, designed for the Berlin contemporary arts
venue Sophiensæle were layered over a wall of graffiti art (the
police had become involved earlier in the day, but that’s another
Attended by Massey staff, students and grads,
shamefully few from the profession down-town (where were you fans
of Eye from a decade or two ago?), and bolstered by a small hard-core
group of Wellington design practitioners, and one type designer,
BLAST was indeed a blast.
Catherine Griffiths / for ProDesign Magazine,
A poster from the exhibition
Poster Wall Exhibition: Works by Nick Kapica for the Berlin
contemporary arts venue Sophiensæle. The works were exhibited in
an urban context in Wellington, that is, a disused Te Aro petrol
station / photograph: Bruce Connew
04 writing & critique
An installation on an installation on an installation ...
Artist statement, »catherine griffiths : SOLO IN [ ] SPACE« A documentation, Pocca, CHINA
September 2021
Porto Design Summer School 2017
Looking back on the fifth edition
April 2018
Notes from ‘Designing the perfect photobook’
A short talk as part of a panel discussion, PhotobookNZ
March 2016
A meditation
Sir Ian Athfield, 1940 — 2015
by Catherine Griffiths
Architectural Centre, NZ
April 2015
The Design Kids interview
The Design Kids, Jul 2015
A Playlist : CG >> CG
by Catherine Griffiths
DPAG Late Breakfast Show, NZ, Aug 2014
Body, Mind, Somehow: The Text Art of Catherine Griffiths
by Gregory O’Brien
Art New Zealand #150, NZ, 2014
Nothing in Mind
by Chloe Geoghegan
typ gr ph c, Aug 2014
typ gr ph c in Strips Club
by Catherine Griffiths
Strips Club journal, Mar 2014
In the Neighbourhood
by Catherine Griffiths
Desktop #294, Australia, 2013
Interview by Heath Killen
Desktop #294, Australia, 2013
FF ThreeSix
by Catherine Griffiths
Typographica, Mar 2013
A note on the D-card
by Catherine Griffiths
Apr 2013
She’s Got Legs
by Lee Suckling
Urbis, NZ, Jan 2013
Truly, No Idea
by Catherine Griffiths
for Flash Forward, Desktop, Australia, Nov 2012
Look for the purple lining
by Catherine Griffiths
Eye Blog, UK, Mar 2012
The Big Idea, NZ, Jun 2011
Shots in the air
by Catherine Griffiths
Eye Blog, UK, Jan 2011
John & Eye
by Catherine Griffiths
ProDesign 110, NZ, Jan 2011
Quite a Blast
by Catherine Griffiths
ProDesign, NZ, Jan 2011
Inner-City Modality
by Mercedes Vicente
ProDesign, NZ, Aug 2010
Beautiful World of Typography
by Catherine Griffiths
excerpt from a talk, Govett-Brewster Gallery, NZ, Jun 2009
For the record
by Catherine Griffiths
Introduction to TypeSHED11, NZ, Feb 2009
Locating Our Feet
by Catherine Griffiths
Threaded, NZ, Oct 2008
on Feijoa
by Catherine Griffiths
ProDesign, NZ, Apr 2007
Life in Italics
by Helen Walters
Print, New York, Sep-Oct 2006
Writing by
by Justine Clark
Artichoke, Australia, Apr 2003
Quite a Blast
by Catherine Griffiths
NZ, Jan 2011