studio catherine griffiths


typ gr ph c : set in Dala Floda, Commercial Type / ‘fun’ test, Paul Barnes, London, 03.2014


Table setting with mini-poster designed by CG (printed by Index), and a set of guidelines on how to design and make stencil letters by Paul Barnes




with Catherine Griffiths & Paul Barnes (UK)


AD / Alan Deare / Area Design
JC / Jinki Cambronero / Alt Group
KJ / Kalee Jackson / Studio Kalee Jackson
LY / Lindsay Yee / Fuman
MB / Matthew Buchanan / CactusLab
SM / Sarah Maxey / Pataka Art Museum / Calligram
SS / Shabnam Shiwan / Saatchi & Saatchi Design
TM / Tana Mitchell / Tana Mitchell Design

A one-day workshop with Catherine Griffiths
and graphic designer and typographer
Barnes (founding partner Commercial Type) —
will introduce participants to the art of the

stencil letter, from drawing by hand and
making stencils, through to composition and
application. The chance to experiment with
design, form, materiality and meaning
will occur during testing and interpretation
— the shifting of boundaries — or simply
by staying true to form.


There will be a physical
outcome, the details
of which will be defined
closer to, and during
the workshop

bring: notebook, drawing
and cutting instruments
of choice (graph paper,
and other materials will
be supplied)


assistant & photographer:
Amy Yalland

paper: donated by
BJ Ball Papers

14.04.2014 WORKSHOP




With Paul Barnes, starting the day ........

CG, PB, Tana Mitchell and Matthew Buchanan

Sarah Maxey, Kalee Jackson, Lindsay Yee, PB

PB, Matthew Buchanan, poster by Peter Saville for Commercial Type’s Graphik, Shabnam Shiwan, CG in front of a poster by Shabnam Shiwan made at a CG workshop in 2011, Alan Deare, Sarah Maxey, Kalee Jackson

Drawing titles out of the hat — taken from the contents list in Allen Curnow’s collected poems, ‘The Loop in Lone Kauri Road’

Sarah Maxey and the letter P

Jinki Cambronero freehand ........

Codex magazine, issue 01, 2011, featuring an interview with Commercial Type, and David Bennewith’s book, Joseph Churchward, opened out at Churchward Roundsquare; grid-based sketches of Matthew Buchanan

The hand of Matthew Buchanan

Jinki Cambronero and Kalee Jackson (AS LONG AS IT LASTS, Lawrence Weiner, projected)

The Connew-esque lunch, with Bruce Connew, left

Shabnam Shiwan: ‘Blind Man’s Holiday’

The calligraphic hand of Paul Barnes

‘Do Not Touch the Exhibits’ — the unmistakable touch of Sarah Maxey

Lindsay Yee contemplating his next move in blue ........

Alan Deare, building ‘The Loop ... ’ with colour and shape

‘A Raised Voice’ in composition, Kalee Jackson


Tana Mitchell’s monochrome ‘Canto of Signs Without Words’


Contents / Content ... stencil: hole punched, Amy Yalland

Hanging a hard day’s work (thunder and lightning), for an end-of-day, easy-does-it crit:

PB / AD / KJ / SM / SS / JC / TM / LY

typ gr ph c ........ 2014 ........ #2 / photographs: Amy Yalland, Index and CG



Contents / Amy Yalland (assistant)
A Raised Voice 9 / Kalee Jackson
Moules à la Marinière 11 / Matthew Buchanan
Do Not Touch the Exhibits 14 / Sarah Maxey
Blind Man’s Holiday 18 / Shabnam Shiwan
Lo These are Parts of His Ways 23 / Jinki Cambronero
Gare SNCF Garavan 26 / Lindsay Yee
Canto of Signs Without Wonders 28 / Tana Mitchell
The Loop in Lone Kauri Road 34 / Alan Deare


back to top ^

typ gr ph c ........ 2014 ........ #2 / photograph: Amy Yalland

COME BACK, card by Sarah Maxey; the projector; Experimentations with light and object, poster by Shabnam Shiwan; Sophiensaele’s Magic Afternoon poster by Nick Kapica



see the workshops:



with Catherine Griffiths
& Leonardo Sonnoli (ITALY)




with Catherine Griffiths
& Paul Barnes (UK)




with Catherine Griffiths
& Warren Olds (NZ)



»work out work«
with Catherine Griffiths
& Tino Graß (GERMANY)



with Catherine Griffiths
& David Bennewith / Sandra



Format Limited
with Catherine Griffiths
& Hamish Muir (UK)




Application is by invitation,
recommendation, or submission
of a portfolio. You may also
register your interest.

To make a recommendation please
email with details, workshop
number and title in the
subject line.

To apply by submission of a
portfolio, please email your
details, and website/portfolio,
with the workshop number/title
in the subject line.

To register your interest in
the typ gr ph c workshop series
join the list: include name,
discipline, and country.

Within the week after the
application deadline, you will
receive a confirmation email
of acceptance.

To complete registration as a
participant, you are required to
pay the registration fee by the
due date.

Eight (8) places only are
available for each workshop.




Catherine Griffiths

Studio Catherine Griffiths
Karekare, Auckland
New Zealand




Join the typ gr ph c list
include name, discipline,
and country

Follow on Twitter


Studio Catherine
Griffiths and
typ gr ph c
acknowledge the
encouragement of
Shabnam Shiwan to
begin the series,
seven years on
from TypeSHED11.

A note on the
visual language
of typ gr ph c:
The right-angled
trapezoid and
two circles are
informed by the
floor plan of the
two studios, and
the plywood
remnants from
building. The
circles together
form the figure
8; the holes
match the number
of consonsants;
which in turn,
sets the number
of participants,
four in each
studio space.

typ gr ph c
has to date,
employed Dala
Floda Fat Italic,
by Paul Barnes,
Commercial Type;
Founders Gotesk
Mono Light and
Bold, by Kris
Sowersby, Klim
Type Foundry
Panopticon A and
C 010 Perimeter,
and TwoPoint by
MuirMcNeil; and
now Unica, via
Hamish Muir.

typ gr ph c lly

/ CG




2014 .............................
........................... Friday
18th .............................
.............. April .............
........ stencil/stencilled ......
with .............................
......... Catherine ..............
Griffiths ........................
........................... & ....
................... Paul .........
........................... Barnes



with Catherine Griffiths
& Leonardo Sonnoli (ITALY)




with Catherine Griffiths
& Paul Barnes (UK)




with Catherine Griffiths
& Warren Olds (NZ)



»work out work«
with Catherine Griffiths
& Tino Graß (GERMANY)



with Catherine Griffiths
& David Bennewith / Sandra Kassenaar (NZ/NETHERLANDS)



Format Limited
with Catherine Griffiths
& Hamish Muir (UK)



follow @typ_gr_ph_c on Twitter


catherine griffiths © 2011 / all rights reserved / contact / twitter / facebook / instagram /