studio catherine griffiths


poster: Tino Graß

“YOU WILL NEED BOTH HANDS TO WALK” / Matthew Galloway, 2015 / photographs: Jinki Cambronero




»work out work«
with Catherine Griffiths & Tino Graß (GERMANY)


AK / Ashley Keen / graduate designer, Whitecliffe
DJ / Douglas Johns / designer, Coffee Supreme
JT / Jason Treweek / designer, Govett-Brewster
MG / Matthew Galloway / designer, lecturer, Otago Polytechnic
SC / Sarah Callesen / graphic designer, artist
SL / Sonya Lacey / designer, artist, HoD Whitecliffe
SM / Sanjiv Menon / senior designer, Richards Partners
TLB / Thomas Le Bas / designer, SV Associates, Berlin
TM / Tana Mitchell / designer, Tana Mitchell Design


An intensive two days with Catherine Griffiths
and Tino Graß (graphic designer and teacher
in visual communication and typography at
Düsseldorf) will examine the shape of
abstraction and spatial dimension in typo/
graphic/design terms by using the surroundings

— be it physical in nature or a sub/conscious-
ness of the social, political and cultural
landscape — as points of reference. Consider
elements that are present, often seen as
trivial and therefore easily overlooked in
the making of work. The projection of
individual thought, reading between the lines,
and seeing a shift in scale towards some
kind of collective outcome are essential to
the dynamic.

The workshop will be held in the two studios —
Bruce Connew generously gives over his,

and becomes host, it will include lectures,
an evening film screening, forest/beach
scramble/walk, and plenty of very good coffee,
lunch, wine, beer (and German sausage) that
will only ascend conversation.

For more on Tino, view ...
editorial and exhibition design includes
»Typorama«, graphic work of Philippe Apeloig,

2013, and »Schriftgestalten, über Schrift und
Gestaltung« published by Niggli, 2008.
Other work includes a project with students
designing a temporary way-finding system for
the upcoming Sigmar Polke exhibition at the
Ludvig Museum, Cologne.


There will be a physical
outcome, the details
of which will be announced
at the workshop

bring: notebook, drawing
instruments, any other
tools of choice (camera,
iPhone, scissors, scalpel,
French curves); graph paper
and other materials will
be supplied


Jinki Cambronero

paper: donated by
BJ Ball Papers

13/14.02.2015* WORKSHOP




standing L-R: Jinki Cambronero, Bruce Connew, Doug Johns, Sonya Lacey, Ashley Keen, Jason Treweek, Matt Galloway, Catherine Griffiths, Tino Grass / front row: Sarah Callesen, Tana Mitchell, Thomas Le Bas, Sanjiv Menon

/ photographs: Jinki Cambronero


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Friday night drinks and outdoor film screening: Piet Zwart, Everything Must Change






MG / Matt Galloway — “You will need both hands to walk”, CG warned us as we prepared to navigate our way through the dense bush to the bottom of her Karekare property. The phrase immediately struck a chord with me — a weird mix of pragmatic directional advise and poetic realism. As we began our journey down, I became ultra-aware of every time my hands reached out to a tree trunk for support, and when we came back to the studio I continued to play with the phrase, eventually representing it through letterforms that I made by tracing the naturally occurring shapes of the very tree limbs that had aided us on our walk.


SL / Sonya Lacey


SC / Sarah Callesen — This work documents sound experienced during the walk of the property. At one minute into the walk the percentage of ocean heard versus the percentage of sound made by cycadas was roughly 20% / 80%. At 15 minutes into the walk, sound heard was roughly 30% cycadas / 50% running stream / 20% human. To visualise this information I produced a series of small sketches: linear soundwaves; circular pie charts; line charts; animated time sequences. The final drawing/chart merges data visualisation with the human experience.


AK / Ashley Keen


DJ / Doug Johns


TM / Tana Mitchell


TLB / Thomas Le Bas


JT / Jason Treweek


SJ / Sanjiv Menon




typ gr ph c ........ 2015 ........ #4 / »work out work«

OFF typ gr ph c ........
»talk in talk«
Catherine Griffiths & Tino Graß (GERMANY)

OFF typ gr ph c ........ is a lecture tour,
an extension to the workshop series.
Three lectures, »talk in talk« — free and

open to the public — are set for Wellington,
Dunedin and Christchurch, plus a student
project led by Matthew Galloway with
Tino Graß, at Otago Polytechnic School
of Design.

In Wellington and Christchurch, Catherine
and Tino will discuss “type and diversity,
a journey into other spaces”, in and out of
their practices — design, typography,
publishing and art-based projects — and
in connection to the other.

The Wellington lecture is a nod to seven
years since TypeSHED11.

16.02.2015 WELLINGTON / public lecture / 6pm / City Gallery Wellington
18/19.02.2015 DUNEDIN / public lecture / 10am / Dunedin Public Art Gallery
26.02.2015 CHRISTCHURCH / public lecture / 6pm / The Physics Room

with the support of

Goethe Institut
City Gallery Wellington
Otago Polytechnic School of Design
Dunedin Public Art Gallery
University of Canterbury School of Fine Arts
The Physics Room



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see the workshops:



with Catherine Griffiths
& Leonardo Sonnoli (ITALY)




with Catherine Griffiths
& Paul Barnes (UK)




with Catherine Griffiths
& Warren Olds (NZ)



»work out work«
with Catherine Griffiths
& Tino Graß (GERMANY)



with Catherine Griffiths
& David Bennewith / Sandra



Format Limited
with Catherine Griffiths
& Hamish Muir (UK)




Application is by invitation,
recommendation, or submission
of a portfolio. You may also
register your interest.

To make a recommendation please
email with details, workshop
number and title in the
subject line.

To apply by submission of a
portfolio, please email your
details, and website/portfolio,
with the workshop number/title
in the subject line.

To register your interest in
the typ gr ph c workshop series
join the list: include name,
discipline, and country.

Within the week after the
application deadline, you will
receive a confirmation email
of acceptance.

To complete registration as a
participant, you are required to
pay the registration fee by the
due date.

Eight (8) places only are
available for each workshop.




Catherine Griffiths

Studio Catherine Griffiths
Karekare, Auckland
New Zealand




Join the typ gr ph c list
include name, discipline,
and country

Follow on Twitter


Studio Catherine
Griffiths and
typ gr ph c
acknowledge the
encouragement of
Shabnam Shiwan to
begin the series,
seven years on
from TypeSHED11.

A note on the
visual language
of typ gr ph c:
The right-angled
trapezoid and
two circles are
informed by the
floor plan of the
two studios, and
the plywood
remnants from
building. The
circles together
form the figure
8; the holes
match the number
of consonsants;
which in turn,
sets the number
of participants,
four in each
studio space.

typ gr ph c
has to date,
employed Dala
Floda Fat Italic,
by Paul Barnes,
Commercial Type;
Founders Gotesk
Mono Light and
Bold, by Kris
Sowersby, Klim
Type Foundry
Panopticon A and
C 010 Perimeter,
and TwoPoint by
MuirMcNeil; and
now Unica, via
Hamish Muir.

typ gr ph c lly

/ CG




2015 .............................
...................... Friday 13th
................. & ..............
Saturday 14th ....................
................ February ........
......... »work out work« ........
with .............................
.......... Catherine .............
Griffiths ........................
.......................... & .....
................... Tino .........
............................. Graß



with Catherine Griffiths
& Leonardo Sonnoli (ITALY)




with Catherine Griffiths
& Paul Barnes (UK)




with Catherine Griffiths
& Warren Olds (NZ)



»work out work«
with Catherine Griffiths
& Tino Graß (GERMANY)



with Catherine Griffiths
& David Bennewith / Sandra Kassenaar (NZ/NETHERLANDS)



Format Limited
with Catherine Griffiths
& Hamish Muir (UK)



follow @typ_gr_ph_c on Twitter


catherine griffiths © 2011 / all rights reserved / contact / twitter / facebook / instagram /